It’s National Popcorn Month, and The Popcorn Factory® is celebrating by sharing some of our best kept popcorn party planning secrets with you each week in October! Popcorn has long been a staple for all celebrations – from sporting events to gift-giving and movie watching, but popcorn is also a great way to spice up your cooking.
Our unique flavors at The Popcorn Factory® offer endless opportunities to give traditional party dishes…some POP! This unique and flavorful popcorn-crusted salmon has just the right amount of sweetness to please any palate. Enjoy!
Current Party Status:
Winner #1) Alyssa Shumate on October 1st, 2010 @ 4:12 pm (Post #6)
Winner #2) Ambrey on October 1st, 2010 @ 4:45 pm (Post #22)
Winner #3) Isaac on October 2nd, 2010 @ 5:00 am (Post #49)
Almond Pecan Popcorn Crusted Salmon
4 four oz. salmon filets
½ canister The Popcorn Factory® Almond Pecan Clear Favorites (Item# S3551A)
1 clove garlic, finely minced
½ tsp. kosher salt
¼ tsp. black pepper, freshly ground
2 tbs. butter, melted
1) Place half of the contents of The Popcorn Factory® Almond Pecan canister in a food processor and chop until finely ground (a flour like consistency).
2) Add garlic, kosher salt and black pepper to the food processor and blend until mixed well.
3) Brush melted butter evenly on both sides of the filets, and then roll the filets in the popcorn flour, patting both sides so they are evenly coated.
4) Heat a non-stick pan on medium-high heat and drizzle with olive oil. Brown the coated filets on both sides, 5-6 minutes per side.
Serve warm. Makes four servings.
Check back next week when The Popcorn Factory® shares a new popcorn party planning idea!
One of my favorite memories of popcorn involves my and my now teen son. When he was young, I was a new mom, eager to please and to try to make everything perfect around the holidays. I thought when my son was in first grade, we should so “popcorn tinsel” We popped so much popcorn, and it still wasnt enough, lol Finally, we just gave up..we ended up watching Christmas movies, and eating the tinsel… 🙂
One of my favorite memories is stringing popcorn to make garland for our Christmas tree. It took a LONG time to complete because we ate more of it than we strung! Great memories of family together by a cozy fire, Christmas music playing and lots of popcorn. (I think I posted this in the wrong place originally, sorry)
My favorite memory of popcorn is when I went to the movies with my sister and she started stringing together the popcorn like a necklace and we shared necklace popcorn treats. It was great
I had popcorn balls for halloween and they were awesome. We had about 3 dozen to give away for halloween and the kids just stayed and ate it all up before any more kids could get any.
We eat popcorn while watching scary movies. My boyfriend was over watching a horror flick and I stuck a fake spider in the bowl of popcorn…he freaked out. too funny.
For breakfast my dad got crazy and made me some peanut butter and jelly popcorn balls. They were so messy that he pledged to never make them again. I still ask for them.
I was at work and decided to cook a single packet of popcorn for myself. Well, I left them in the microwave too long and they burnt. They stunk up the whole office and I was told, NEVER AGAIN.
Popcorn was always a family snack at night while watching movies on tv as a kid. A second batch always had to be made. Of course we needed butter over the top. Then came the years of popcorn tins…everyone sold them at X-mas time. I’m hoping to see some this year but for in between and gifts, popcorn is always a favorite to be given or get!! It never goes out of style!!
My UN-Favorite memory of popcorn is when my boyfriend left the popcorn on our nightstand overnight and when I awoke, there were ants all over the place. I love popcorn but not ANT-FLAVORED.
My 1st memmory wasn’t a favorite then but now that my sisters and I talk about it, It is now. My dad used to wait until we were in bed and THEN make popcorn. You could smell it all over the house and you could not sleep. Later talking about it with my sisters I found out all kinds of things about those nights. One sister said she would sneek in the kitchen and look for any still in the pan. One sister said she found the chocolate stars that he would eat with his popcorn and snitch some of them. We all talk about the noise it made when he stired the pan always a certain pattern. He made popcorn in an old presure cooker pan with a screen type lid. Now we eat popcorn any time we can get our hands on it! Day OR Night! 😀
When I taught kindergarten many years ago, we were studying the letter “P”. I took my kids outside, spread a large sheet on the ground, plopped a popcorn popper with no lid in the middle and had the kids sit around the edges of the sheet. As the popcorn began to pop, my students had a wonderful time popping too! They were so full of giggles and glee! We gathered the popped corn later for an art project and ate some air pooped corn for a snack.I hope those students all have a wonderful memory of popping with the popcorn.
Popcorn has always been a family favorite. We take it to the hunting club to eat while sitting around the camp fire. We share the crumbs with the squirrels and birds. I have sent a Halloween tin to my dgt and son in law to enjoy. Love your website and great products.
I once wore a hat made of popcorn for a play at school. It did not stay on well for the play and when it fell off it got stepped on and when I put it back on my head, the popcorn got all in my hair. It’s funny now but it was not back in the 4th grade.
Someone brought up popcorn balls at Halloween and that brought up a very fond memory of the Trick-or-Treat outings I would share with my best friends. There was an elderly lady who lived at the top of our street, Mrs. Belch (don’t laugh), and she was the sweetest, most tiny lady I had every seen. We didn’t know a lot about her except for the fact that she was a widow and had no children. What we did know, however, was that she gave out these huge popcorn balls wrapped in waxed paper to every child who rang her doorbell. She made these herself and they were the BEST popcorn balls and they were the big highlight of our Halloween night!
One of my favorite memories about popcorn is when my husband would bring me a bag of my favorite popcorn after he got off work. There was a gas station that had the best buttery popcorn and he would fill up with gas and bring me a bag almost every time.
We are a family that LOVES popcorn!!
My husband started a tradition before our son was born that once a week was movie night and we had to have popcorn. And now my son can’t conceive of watching a movie without it.
Probably my favorite memory involving popcorn was when I was visiting some family in Hawaii and they introduced me to Li hi mui seasoning on popcorn. I’d tried it on dried fruit and gummies, but never thought to try it on popcorn. Absolutely delicious and addicting!!!
One of my favorite memories of growing up as a kid in New York City where the rare occasions when we went to the movies. As soon as we entered, the smell and sight of popcorn was overwhelming! Thanks.
I like your recipe with one exception – I don’t eat salmon – however, I can easily imagine how wonderful it would be with flounder – I made a copy of it to try later – thanks!
My parents sent us a tub of your popcorn for my husband and my 8th wedding anniversary, which is in July. Every year I complain that I receive less and less birthday cards for my birthday in August. When the popcorn arrived and said “happy Birthday 2 u” I thought someone was trying to impress me by sending a birthday gift weeks in advance. It turns out my dad did the ordering for our anniversary and didn’t pay attention to what the popcorn tin said!
Wow, popcorn figures in many of my memories! –from my Dad popping corn in the cast iron pot every Saturday night just before the Horror movies started, to making popcorn balls with my Mom for Halloween, to the amazing JiffyPop that expanded the aluminum top, looking like a magical foil/popcorn mushroom back in the 60’s –as a child, I loved watching it grow! Then, as I got older and moved away from home, popcorn garlands graced our holiday tree and I continued to make popcorn balls using my Mom’s recipe. Then, came the string of popcorn air poppers. When I found the Popcorn Factory, then it was popcorn gifts for friends and family. Popcorn Always, Kris Cheyne!
On a cold rainy night my favorite thing to do is go out and get a few movies then come home put on some big comfy sweats, grab some pillows, a blanket and deliciuos popcorn, turn out the lights and then cuddle on the couch with my fiance and enjoy some entertainment while we snack bumping each others hands reaching in that bowl of popcorn.
I remember going camping as a kid and popping the foil tine popcorn container over the fire. It was always fun and exciting. I still love going to the movies and getting the big tubs or popcorn…it’s just a MUST when you go to the movies and always will be.
My family and I have always been a fan of popcorn. One of my fondness memories of popcorn is when my mom would pop up as much as she could and load it into a large grocery store paper bag. When we saw that we knew that we were headed off to the drive-in movie theatre for a fun night. I hope everyone remembers the drive-in 🙂
One of my favorite memories growing up was once a week, going to my grandmother’s house. During the holidays she always had huge tins/tubs of popcorn at her house. We’d go in, put in a movie, and eat popcorn all afternoon long. I can still remember just how I felt in her warm house eating all kinds of different flavored popcorn snuggled up on the couch with her. It makes me want to be 10 again! Thanks for the chance!
A favorite memory I have of popcorn is popping corn at school for the students to enjoy. A sheet was spread on the floor and everyone sat around. The air popcorn popper was set up in the middle and popcorn covered the sheet. What a fun way to enjoy a Friday afternoon and reward students.
We always had popcorn at our house when I was growing up. Mama was a great cook and always found unique ways to make it. We never had much money so she was pretty creative. My favorite way she fixed it was to add some sugar just before it started popping. When it was ready to eat, we always had to fight my Dad to get to it first! I still make it like that for my kids and they love it too! I think I’ll go make some right now because just thinking about it has made me want some…………. 🙂
i used to sit and string popcorn for the tree.when i got my new rottweiler she would want some so i would toss her a few kernels and she would jump to get them.
My favorite memory of popcorn is we would get the big ins and take them to the drive in. We would hit the double feature and by the end almost that whole tin was gone. You had the choice of buttery sweet or plain I loved it
My favorite memory of popcorn is when my daughter put a plastic pale full of popcorn atop a partially opened door and when I walked thru, it fell and popcorn fell like snowflakes all around me.
I remember on Sunday afternoons when I was a kid, my Mom would make popcorn on the stove (I still have the popcorn pot)and put into to special bowls for us and then we would watch Shirley Temple movies in the afternoon. Thanks for bringing back some real good memories.
Some of my favorite popcorn moments involve my kids. I actually went out and bought an air popper so they could watch the popcorn pop. You forget how a little thing like watching popcorn could make you so happy. Ahhhh to see the smiles and giggles on their faces. One longs to be young again, when things were simple.
My favorite memory is the time my mom and I thought we would be crafty and make red and green popcorn for Christmas. Newsflash: food coloring does not color popcorn well, or evenly! You can still see the stain on my mom’s kitchen counter where we got some red coloring (if you look really hard), and this was almost 20 years ago! Thanks for the giveaway!
One of my popcorn memories is trying to make popcorn balls with my cousin when we were about 10. We thought we followed the recipe to a t. But we didn’t have nearly enough popcorn. We mixed it all together and instead of it forming balls, it made more of a soup. We thought we could fix it by putting it in the freezer but instead we ended up with a lovely popcorn doorstop. To this day I have never attempted to make popcorn balls.
POPCORN! What could be more fun than family time with movies and popcorn? My kids are grown but I’m so happy to have great memories of movie time in PJ’s with sleeping bags, pillows, stuffed animals…all cuddled up together with our bowls of POPCORN. Always different ideas on the movies but same idea for the treat. Just wish we had all the flavor choices there are now. Never the less, a movie is not a movie without the POPCORN and buttered worked just fine. Really fun times!…can’t wait for grandkids to continue the tradition.
One popcorn memory stems from a practical joke. My husband and a friend did jokes on each other back and forth all of the time. Before it was time for his friend to move away we borrowed several air poppers and popped large bags of popcorn. It took us days. Then one day the friends mother let us sneak over and put all of the popcorn in his friends bedroom while he was gone. Popcorn was everywhere! They still talk about the great popcorn caper.
I remember when I was little, I received a tub of caramel-covered popcorn around the time of Halloween. I was so excited to see something different from the usual candy bars and candy corn that’s associated with the season. I still have the tin to store Halloween masks!
My favorite memories are traditions now with my family. We have a movie night with the kids. We huddle on the couch in our PJs, snuggle up under a blanket and eat popcorn while watching a family friendly movie. Each person must have their own bowl!
My favorite childhood memory with popcorn is making popcorn strings to hang on our Christmas tree. Since we were kids, more popcorn went into our mouths than on the tree, but that’s the way it’s supposed to be. 😉
My favorite popcorn memory is staying at my gramma’s house, being allowed to stay up late to watch SNL (I was barely a teen when it started).
I always popped Jiffy Pop on Saturday nights before the show started. I’d stand at the stove for what seemed like an eternity shaking that pan back and forth, waiting for the first pop 🙂 Sometimes I’d cover the hole in the top with a pot holder, thinking that would make it pop faster. LOL
When SNL came on, I’d have a huge bowl of popcorn, a big glass of really cold milk, all the lights off and the house was totally quiet. *sigh* good times.
My Favorite memories always include popcorn, watching movies with my parents as a kid. Popcorn on a cold wintery day watching a movie is just the bomb….I have tried Popcorn factory popcorn and found it to be insanely good. I love the Carmel popcorn……… Oh My Goodness mix that in your mouth with the cheddar and u have a mouth ful of yummmmmmmm. I am ordering a birthday can for my cousins birthday next week.
I love Popcorn Factory Popcorn….we always buy a couple of tins for the workplace around the holidays…makes the work day go by faster! lol
My fondest memory is when my brother Chuck was over in Vietnam and we use to send packages to him. Back then they didn’t have “packing peanuts” so we made tons of popcorn to pack in the boxes to keep things from moving around too much.
Imagine the excitement of going to the drive in movies.fresh popped jiffy pop still warm in the plastic container your mom brought along.Dad would go get us kids,my brother and myself a ice cold soda and maybe something for them to share between my parents.when he returned if we could hold out that long..we’d munch on warm popcorn and cold soda.Those were the days.
Hmmmm, lots to choose from! Ok, so I was away in college and it was almost Christmas. It was late, around 2AM I guess, and we were all cramming in our dorms. Also, it was snowing, a rarity before February. Anyway, some genius made popcorn in the microwave in his room (illegal) and either burnt it and set off the alarms or set his room on fire! We were all standing out in the snow, in random states of dress, waiting and waiting. That guy was on everyone’s sh*t list!
We never really had “good” popcorn when I was young. The popcorn was full of hulls and hard to eat. But, I remember we loved to make Jiffy Pop. It was something about that expanding aluminum on top of the pan that was mesmerizing. It was more fun to make, than it was to eat. Let me mention, this was about 49 years ago that I’m talking about. Popcorn is so much better now! I love it and like to have popcorn at least once a week.
One of my favorite popcorn memories go way back to when I was very young. Every friday was movie night with the family – we would buy kettle corn at the local farmers market and pop our own butter popcorn at home and pass bowls of popcorn throughout the room while my family and our extended family all sat infront of our projector to watch movies in our living room. I love popcorn so much – popcorn is a way of life.
My first memories are of smelling popcorn at movietheaters growing up. Sometimes the smell still makes me nostalgic. Thanks for having the blog giveaway. Following on FB
my birthday is in october and it is not a celebrattion without my favorite popcorn flavors! One being pecan-almond!
My favorite memory about popcorn is holding my nephew while we watched the popcorn popper warm up and spin the kernels waiting for the explosive “pop” to happen with anticipation. Then as they started popping, my nephew only 2 at the time starting laughing and getting excited as we watched them pop!
Chocolate Drizzle Caramel Corn is my favorite. I can never eat just one handful
I could have sworn I wrote a comment earlier. May have posted it in the wrong place. I just came back to see if they had announced the winners.
My popcorn memories are the smell. It always takes me back to going to the movies as a child and the excitement I felt at going to see a movie with my parents and eating lots of popcorn.
We spent a lot of time as kids sitting around watching movies on Sunday nights eating popcorn. We didn’t have a lot of money back then and popcorn was something that our family could afford and was so tasty.
Oh, popcorn, how I love thee. I guess it all started when I was a wee one, and the family would huddle over the fireplace…I mean stove, making Jiffy Pop at night. Listening to the sizzle and pop and watching the tin foil balloon was always exciting. Then, after cutting it open, watching the smoke curl up as the aroma filled the house. Mmmm…oh, popcorn, how far you’ve come!
I love popcorn so it’s hard to isolate one memory since popcorn is woven in and out of my life story. However, I think back to early 1991 when it seemed I couldn’t get enough popcorn. I ate it every night . . . I CRAVED popcorn . . . and when I found out I was pregnant, I realized that, instead of pickles and ice cream, this was my body’s way of telling me I was going to have a second child: POPCORN!
One of my favorite memories with popcorn was making it for the kids I used to babysit & watching a movie with them! They liked it when you melted slices of American Cheese over the popcorn & then it became a more savory snack. It was actually really delicious! I also remember getting popcorn balls as a kid for Halloween – I love those things!! To this day, popcorn balls are just one of those things that I have to have in order to make the fall season complete! Thanks for the giveaway!
Hi, the winners of the “The Popcorn Factory® Almond Pecan Clear Favorites” (Item# S3551A) are:
1. Alyssa Shumate on October 1st, 2010 @ 4:12 pm (Post #6)
2. Ambrey on October 1st, 2010 @ 4:45 pm (Post #22)
3. Isaac on October 2nd, 2010 @ 5:00 am (Post #49)
Congratulations! We will be having another one of these blog parties sooner than you think. 🙂
Popcorn………..ah popcorn
I was at the ballfields when I was 15 years old. My boyfriend and I were getting to know each other. We got some popcorn and a soda to share between us and sat on the fence to talk.
We were tossing popcorn in the air and catching it in our mouth, was tasty and fun ………..and then………
I choked. I realized he had finished off all of the drink. I got mad and I choked more. We didn’t know the heimlich maneuver. My brother laughed and pointed at me (he was 11). I got mad, and choked more. My boyfriend hugged me really hard……..popcorn flew out of my mouth…………
WOW my first hug from my boyfriend that may have saved my life?
I’ll never forget it.
It is funny that I never really knew about National popcorn Month. My late husband Loved popcorn. He was always given tins of popcorn for Christmas and you name it we made it as far as popcorn was concerned. We had a air popper a whirley pop, a stir crazy popper where you would pop the popcorn and then use the lid as a bowl, jiffy pop, I even popped popcorn the old fashioned way in a heavy duty pot on the gas stove by melting the Crisco add the cernals put the lid on and shake the pot. My husband thought the best invention was the popcorn button on the microwave so no more burnt popcorn
One of my favortie popcorn memories is with my gandmother when we were children. She would cook popcorn in a special pan (only used for popcorn) and then would spread it out on a cookie sheet and we had to pick out all the kernels. Once they were all picked out we would pick out a flavor of jello and we would make popcorn balls. It was so much fun and they were so yummy, we would get to eat the popcorn stuck to our hands and Grandma would tell us all kinds of stories while we were making the popcorn balls. Now when I see popcorn or popcorn balls I always think of Grandma!
My favorite memory related to popcorn was while managing a movie theatre for 10 years. We’d get the popper fired up just before we opened the door, knowing it was almost impossible to resist the smell of fresh popcorn, particularly at a theatre!
POPCORN!! Could there be any other treat that EVERYONE can enjoy? When I was little our family would make popcorn balls for Halloween. HOMEMADE caramel popcorn balls. Then as I started having children of my own it is our families favorite treat. My girls love cheese so they would look around like mice to get all they could hide. My husband is a chocoholic so anything covered in chocolate would be his delight. I myself LOVE caramel. I feel like I am at the carnival eating piece after piece. When we go to my father in laws he has an old fashioned popcorn popper. Metal box that you put popcorn and oil in and scrap agains the burner (kind of like: jiffy pop). We add real butter and salt and everyone comes runny. We can’t make it fast enough. Family traditions are great and popcorn is the perfect way to start a tradition, no matter what flavor and no matter how you decide to make them. Pop some today!! and ENJOY!!
My favorite memory of popcorn is when my mom used to pop popcorn for us at home with the packets of popcorn that had the popcorn and then the oil or butter or whatever to put in the pot. I to this day haven’t had popcorn that tasted so good!! Sometimes, when I smell popcorn…I stop to remember my mom.
I volunteer at a historic theatre & love watching the kids at the summer kids films getting their boxes of popcorn. Its a special treat for them and makes the experience complete.
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He clambered to the top of the stacked hay bales, urging Shandy to follow him, and then he pushed several bales apart to create an enclosed space, a den for himself and his new pal, out of sight of any passer-by. The pair of them sat for a while, the dog sprawled across Jimmy’s legs, panting and giving the unwarranted appearance of intelligence by cocking her head at him every time he murmured to her. “We’re best friends, you and me,” he said. He smiled and ruffled her floppy ears.
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Sorry for the huge review, but I’m really loving the new Zune, and hope this, as well as the excellent reviews some other people have written, will help you decide if it’s the right choice for you.
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I’ll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)
If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you.
The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.
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Zune and iPod: Most people compare the Zune to the Touch, but after seeing how slim and surprisingly small and light it is, I consider it to be a rather unique hybrid that combines qualities of both the Touch and the Nano. It’s very colorful and lovely OLED screen is slightly smaller than the touch screen, but the player itself feels quite a bit smaller and lighter. It weighs about 2/3 as much, and is noticeably smaller in width and height, while being just a hair thicker.
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You made several nice points there. I did a search on the subject matter and found a good number of persons will consent with your blog.
Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.
The Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it’ll do even better in those areas, but for now it’s a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod’s strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice.
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Between me and my husband we’ve owned more MP3 players over the years than I can count, including Sansas, iRivers, iPods (classic & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few years I’ve settled down to one line of players. Why? Because I was happy to discover how well-designed and fun to use the underappreciated (and widely mocked) Zunes are.
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This is getting a bit more subjective, but I much prefer the Zune Marketplace. The interface is colorful, has more flair, and some cool features like ‘Mixview’ that let you quickly see related albums, songs, or other users related to what you’re listening to. Clicking on one of those will center on that item, and another set of “neighbors” will come into view, allowing you to navigate around exploring by similar artists, songs, or users. Speaking of users, the Zune “Social” is also great fun, letting you find others with shared tastes and becoming friends with them. You then can listen to a playlist created based on an amalgamation of what all your friends are listening to, which is also enjoyable. Those concerned with privacy will be relieved to know you can prevent the public from seeing your personal listening habits if you so choose.
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If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you.
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The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.
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The Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it’ll do even better in those areas, but for now it’s a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod’s strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice.
hello thanks for post great info
I’ll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)
Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.
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The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.
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I was wondering if you ever considered changing the layout of your blog? Its very well written; I love what youve got to say. But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better. Youve got an awful lot of text for only having one or two images. Maybe you could space it out better?
There are a lot off other blogs that are not as interesting as this one.
The Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it’ll do even better in those areas, but for now it’s a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod’s strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice.
This is getting a bit more subjective, but I much prefer the Zune Marketplace. The interface is colorful, has more flair, and some cool features like ‘Mixview’ that let you quickly see related albums, songs, or other users related to what you’re listening to. Clicking on one of those will center on that item, and another set of “neighbors” will come into view, allowing you to navigate around exploring by similar artists, songs, or users. Speaking of users, the Zune “Social” is also great fun, letting you find others with shared tastes and becoming friends with them. You then can listen to a playlist created based on an amalgamation of what all your friends are listening to, which is also enjoyable. Those concerned with privacy will be relieved to know you can prevent the public from seeing your personal listening habits if you so choose.
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Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.
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The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.
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Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.
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Zune and iPod: Most people compare the Zune to the Touch, but after seeing how slim and surprisingly small and light it is, I consider it to be a rather unique hybrid that combines qualities of both the Touch and the Nano. It’s very colorful and lovely OLED screen is slightly smaller than the touch screen, but the player itself feels quite a bit smaller and lighter. It weighs about 2/3 as much, and is noticeably smaller in width and height, while being just a hair thicker.
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Sorry for the huge review, but I’m really loving the new Zune, and hope this, as well as the excellent reviews some other people have written, will help you decide if it’s the right choice for you.
Between me and my husband we’ve owned more MP3 players over the years than I can count, including Sansas, iRivers, iPods (classic & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few years I’ve settled down to one line of players. Why? Because I was happy to discover how well-designed and fun to use the underappreciated (and widely mocked) Zunes are.
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Females generally speaking are not seeking to lose substantial amounts of pounds generally. Most of the women and men using phen375 are simply trying to lose Five to 25 weight typically as well as typically it’s abdominal fat. Nearly all are wholesome, visit the health club sort people. They just haven’t been in a position to shed the fat on the tummy or perhaps have reached the Plato. Belly fat problems typically begin to happen for girls at about the time of or perhaps right after giving birth and later on within age group pre and post menopausal. It seems like to hit females although right now there hormonal changes tend to be altering; it’s a normal means of existence or is that? I will demonstrate the genuine body fat stored in the stomach or stomach area differs and the much more you’ve got than it the particular whores your hormone imbalance will become.
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The Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it’ll do even better in those areas, but for now it’s a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod’s strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice.
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The Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player.
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A thoughtful insight and ideas I will use on my blog. You’ve obviously spent some time on this. Congratulations!
The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.
Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.
Just right issues?I might word that as any individual who actually doesn’t write on blogs a lot (in fact, this can be my first put up), I don’t suppose the term ‘lurker’ may be very changing into to a non-posting reader. It’s not your fault the least bit , but most likely the blogosphere could get a hold of a greater, non-creepy title for the 90% people that enjoy studying the content material .
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Zune and iPod: Most people compare the Zune to the Touch, but after seeing how slim and surprisingly small and light it is, I consider it to be a rather unique hybrid that combines qualities of both the Touch and the Nano. It’s very colorful and lovely OLED screen is slightly smaller than the touch screen, but the player itself feels quite a bit smaller and lighter. It weighs about 2/3 as much, and is noticeably smaller in width and height, while being just a hair thicker.
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Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.
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If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you.
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I’ll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)
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Zune and iPod: Most people compare the Zune to the Touch, but after seeing how slim and surprisingly small and light it is, I consider it to be a rather unique hybrid that combines qualities of both the Touch and the Nano. It’s very colorful and lovely OLED screen is slightly smaller than the touch screen, but the player itself feels quite a bit smaller and lighter. It weighs about 2/3 as much, and is noticeably smaller in width and height, while being just a hair thicker.
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Between me and my husband we’ve owned more MP3 players over the years than I can count, including Sansas, iRivers, iPods (classic & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few years I’ve settled down to one line of players. Why? Because I was happy to discover how well-designed and fun to use the underappreciated (and widely mocked) Zunes are.
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Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.
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The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.
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The Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it’ll do even better in those areas, but for now it’s a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod’s strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice.
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I’d have to check with you here. Which isn’t something I usually do! I enjoy reading a post that will make individuals think. Additionally, thanks for permitting me to remark!
Between me and my husband we’ve owned more MP3 players over the years than I can count, including Sansas, iRivers, iPods (classic & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few years I’ve settled down to one line of players. Why? Because I was happy to discover how well-designed and fun to use the underappreciated (and widely mocked) Zunes are.
I’ll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)
For any given key-phrase or category, YouTube considers the videos with the maximum number of viewers, subscribers, feedback and ratings, the most important and they element in the top research rankings. The web site also has an honors list wherever it locations the hottest movies in every category. To get to the highest of YouTube’s video list, you ought to have a huge number of viewers on your video. Paying a tiny amount to buy YouTube views is any day as good as splashing out a large amount for other varieties of advertising.
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The Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it’ll do even better in those areas, but for now it’s a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod’s strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice.
The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.
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I usually don’t ordinarily post on many Blogs, however I just has to say thank you for National Popcorn Month – Popcorn Party Planning (3 winners!)… keep up the amazing work. Ok unfortunately its time to get to school.
Sorry for the huge review, but I’m really loving the new Zune, and hope this, as well as the excellent reviews some other people have written, will help you decide if it’s the right choice for you.
If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you.
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Between me and my husband we’ve owned more MP3 players over the years than I can count, including Sansas, iRivers, iPods (classic & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few years I’ve settled down to one line of players. Why? Because I was happy to discover how well-designed and fun to use the underappreciated (and widely mocked) Zunes are.
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You may have not intended to do so, but I think you have managed to express the state of mind that a lot of people are in. The sense of wanting to help, but not knowing how or where, is something a lot of us are going through.
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Between me and my husband we’ve owned more MP3 players over the years than I can count, including Sansas, iRivers, iPods (classic & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few years I’ve settled down to one line of players. Why? Because I was happy to discover how well-designed and fun to use the underappreciated (and widely mocked) Zunes are.
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You may have not intended to do so, but I think you have managed to express the state of mind that a lot of people are in. The sense of wanting to help, but not knowing how or where, is something a lot of us are going through.
I was basically wanting to know if you ever thought of adjusting the layout of your blog? It is very well written; I love what youve got to say. But maybe you can add a little more in the way of written content so people could connect with it better. You have got an awful lot of wording for only having one or two graphics. Maybe you can space it out better?
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Great concept, and many thanks for taking the time to publish it; I’m positive otheres benefited too. It really opened my eyes for some new conclusions that I hadn’t thought of before.
This is getting a bit more subjective, but I much prefer the Zune Marketplace. The interface is colorful, has more flair, and some cool features like ‘Mixview’ that let you quickly see related albums, songs, or other users related to what you’re listening to. Clicking on one of those will center on that item, and another set of “neighbors” will come into view, allowing you to navigate around exploring by similar artists, songs, or users. Speaking of users, the Zune “Social” is also great fun, letting you find others with shared tastes and becoming friends with them. You then can listen to a playlist created based on an amalgamation of what all your friends are listening to, which is also enjoyable. Those concerned with privacy will be relieved to know you can prevent the public from seeing your personal listening habits if you so choose.
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This is a smart blog. I mean it. You have so much knowledge about this issue, and so much passion. You also know how to make people rally behind it, obviously from the responses. Youve got a design here thats not too flashy, but makes a statement as big as what youre saying. Great job, indeed.
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This is getting a bit more subjective, but I much prefer the Zune Marketplace. The interface is colorful, has more flair, and some cool features like ‘Mixview’ that let you quickly see related albums, songs, or other users related to what you’re listening to. Clicking on one of those will center on that item, and another set of “neighbors” will come into view, allowing you to navigate around exploring by similar artists, songs, or users. Speaking of users, the Zune “Social” is also great fun, letting you find others with shared tastes and becoming friends with them. You then can listen to a playlist created based on an amalgamation of what all your friends are listening to, which is also enjoyable. Those concerned with privacy will be relieved to know you can prevent the public from seeing your personal listening habits if you so choose.
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Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.
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If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you.
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The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.
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I’ll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)
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This is getting a bit more subjective, but I much prefer the Zune Marketplace. The interface is colorful, has more flair, and some cool features like ‘Mixview’ that let you quickly see related albums, songs, or other users related to what you’re listening to. Clicking on one of those will center on that item, and another set of “neighbors” will come into view, allowing you to navigate around exploring by similar artists, songs, or users. Speaking of users, the Zune “Social” is also great fun, letting you find others with shared tastes and becoming friends with them. You then can listen to a playlist created based on an amalgamation of what all your friends are listening to, which is also enjoyable. Those concerned with privacy will be relieved to know you can prevent the public from seeing your personal listening habits if you so choose.
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Between me and my husband we’ve owned more MP3 players over the years than I can count, including Sansas, iRivers, iPods (classic & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few years I’ve settled down to one line of players. Why? Because I was happy to discover how well-designed and fun to use the underappreciated (and widely mocked) Zunes are.
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If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you.
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The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.
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This is getting a bit more subjective, but I much prefer the Zune Marketplace. The interface is colorful, has more flair, and some cool features like ‘Mixview’ that let you quickly see related albums, songs, or other users related to what you’re listening to. Clicking on one of those will center on that item, and another set of “neighbors” will come into view, allowing you to navigate around exploring by similar artists, songs, or users. Speaking of users, the Zune “Social” is also great fun, letting you find others with shared tastes and becoming friends with them. You then can listen to a playlist created based on an amalgamation of what all your friends are listening to, which is also enjoyable. Those concerned with privacy will be relieved to know you can prevent the public from seeing your personal listening habits if you so choose.
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Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.
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This is getting a bit more subjective, but I much prefer the Zune Marketplace. The interface is colorful, has more flair, and some cool features like ‘Mixview’ that let you quickly see related albums, songs, or other users related to what you’re listening to. Clicking on one of those will center on that item, and another set of “neighbors” will come into view, allowing you to navigate around exploring by similar artists, songs, or users. Speaking of users, the Zune “Social” is also great fun, letting you find others with shared tastes and becoming friends with them. You then can listen to a playlist created based on an amalgamation of what all your friends are listening to, which is also enjoyable. Those concerned with privacy will be relieved to know you can prevent the public from seeing your personal listening habits if you so choose.
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Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.
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Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.
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The Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it’ll do even better in those areas, but for now it’s a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod’s strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice.
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